• infosusrusha@gmail.com |
  • +876 987 666 5433


The Susrusha, is a registered society working in the diverse field of socio-economic development and conservation of biodiversity in North East India since its inception. The organization was incorporated on 8th March, 2002 and registered under the Indian Societies Act, 1860. The organization works in a number of areas including Financial Inclusion of the poor and marginalized, Skill Development of youth for livelihoods, Promotion of Women Self Help Groups (SHG) and Farmer Producer Companies (FPC) and Conservation of Nature.

There are many pressing challenges that the North East India faces viz., isolation from the mainland India, inefficient physical and social infrastructure, recurring floods and riverbank erosion, low pace of industrial growth, territorial conflicts, insurgency and political issues, population influx from across the boarders etc. All these lead to an economically most disadvantaged region of the country. Except for Arunachal Pradesh, the real per capita income of the region is much below the all-India average per capita income. What is more, the region is far behind the rest of the country in terms of administrative, social and economic infrastructure, be it per capita power consumption, credit-deposit ratios, road and railway transport and so on.

Moreover, at no other places in India, is this challenge to conserve natural resources more serious than its North- eastern part, which is transitional zone of Indo- China, Indian and Indo-Malayan flora and fauna that has led to a global recognition.

In spite of having huge resources in the region, the utilisation capacity has been very poorly leveraged. The region faces extensive degradation in all fields, although every independent society in 21st century deserves equitable distribution of resources and implementation of every state led development programs and policies. The communities of this region need to develop their own unique answers to their problems instead of depending on others. However, this cannot happen in isolation. The states of the North East need to look to each other and to their neighbouring countries to grow together. The markets, skills, natural resources and other advantages need to knit together if the region, one of the poorest in the world, is to progress.

Keeping these challenges in mind, Susrusha has designed a number of programs to address crucial Socio- Economic, Health & Education, and Environment issues, more specifically integration of women for providing equal opportunities for growth and development of the region. Welfare of children, empowerment of adolescent girl and prevention and eradication of all forms of discrimination towards them are some of the major focus areas of Susrusha’s development activities. Further, promotion and development of agriculture and allied fields; Skilling, re-skilling and up-skilling of youth for entrepreneurship development, Educational up- gradation of the masses are in the helm of affairs and of utmost priorities of the organisation in recent years, as well as, in the future ahead.

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