• infosusrusha@gmail.com |
  • +876 987 666 5433

Financial Inclusion

Working as a regional (NER) Banking Correspondent of State Bank of India since 2016. There are 196 Customer Service Points (CSP) under the program, which cater to the banking needs of thousands of villages in the interior parts of North-east India. More than 2.35 Lakh bank accounts have been opened by our CSPs under the program. A total of 1.05 Lakh persons have been covered under Prime Minister’s Surakshya Bima Yojana (PMSBY), 47 thousand persons under Prime Minister’s Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana (PMJJBY) and more than 17 Thousand persons have been covered under Atal Pension Yojana (APY). Thus, the program brings more than 1.5 Lakh families, living on the margin, to the ambit of Financial Inclusion, as envisioned by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India and helps them to avail their entitlements.

Promotion of FPC

As a part of the Central Sector Scheme of ‘Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Producer Organization’, Susrusha has been working as a Cluster Based Business Organisation (CBBO) for promotion and formation of FPCs in Arunachal Pradesh under the aegis of NERAMAC, Govt. of India.

Awareness Campaign

Organised awareness campaign on various subject as follows–

  • a. IODISED Salt: Organised awareness campaign on Iodine salt, supported by- Director of Field Publicity, Govt. of India
  • b. Organic Farming: Organised awareness campaign on Organic Farming, supported by – NERAMAC, Govt. of India.
  • c. Anti Terrorisms: Organised awareness campaign on anti-terrorism, supported by- Neharu Yuba Kendra Sangathan (NYK), Govt. of India

Vocational Training

Organised vocational Training on Cutting and Embroidery, supported by- Naharu Yuba Kendra Sangathan (NYK), Govt. of India.

Free Health Check-up and Medicine Distribution Camp

Organised Health Check-up and Medicine Distribution Camps which were supported by:- Government Ayurvedic Collage, Guwahati ; Regional Dental Collage, Guwahati, Sarukhetri CHC, Sarthebari, Barpeta; District Health Society, Barpeta & Baska etc.

Equipment Distribution to Divyang

Organised free equipment distribution camp to Divyang persons, supported by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALLMCO), Govt. of India.

Equipment Distribution to Divyang

Organised free equipment distribution camp to Divyang persons, supported by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India (ALLMCO), Govt. of India.

Family Counselling Centre

A family counselling centre was established which was supported by the Central Social Welfare Board (CSWB), New Delhi.

Skill Development Training

Organised skill development training on food processing, pottery, handicrafts, bee keeping etc which were supported by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Ahmedabad.

Flood Relief Camps

Working in flood affected area for donating cloth, food, medicine etc. At the time of floods in different parts of the state.

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